Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Ruthie-face!!!!!

Dear Spain,
When the rest of the world jumped on the central heating bandwagon, where were you?

In other news, I got to spend this weekend in Granada where it was, shockingly enough, RAINING all weekend, and very cold. There's just something so different about a rainy day when you can't curl up inside your warm house with a big comfy blanket. The rainy days here are just miserable. BUT, despair not, because I still had a fairly good weekend. We celebrated Halloween the best way we could on this side of the ocean, and it was actually quite enjoyable. I got to spend a lot of time with a lot of people that I don't normally hang out with and I quite enjoyed myself.

But I'm really just posting to avoid studying for my linguistics exam (second test in one day, whoo!...), so I'm going to go do that.
Hasta luegino!!

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